Friday 7 March 2014

Grouping task

Both texts E and F use spontaneous language, they are both dialogues between two people. There is evidence of Text E being spontaneous with the high use of non- fluency features such as 'er'. These are useful for the text as it clearly shows that it is a conversation that is taking place between the customer and the vendor, the use of non-fluency features also shows that what is being said is fresh from their head and not had any time to think over in their head.

Another example of spontaneous language in Text E is the regular use of pauses, there is a range of the length of these, from brief such as "hello there(.)..." to a couple of seconds long like "OK (2)..." This also consolidates the fact that this is a spontaneous text as the use of these pauses perhaps show that the person who is speaking has to take a break to think about what they are going to say next, possibly to consider if what they are going to say is correct, appropraite and makes sense.

This text can also be considered as spontaneous with the use of the actions and movements that take place during when one of the people are talking. For example, the use of action and movement that takes place in "let me just check that for you [looks for records].." shows that they what they are saying has been just thought of as the actions either match his words or are an result of what he says next.

Text F is also spontaneous, this can firstly be seen in the times that the messages have been sent, for example, person B sends four messages in the space of only eleven seconds. These messages are too close to eachother; they must be coming straight from their thoughts and then typing.

The dialogues are both between two people who know eachother, however, Text E shows evidence that they are not particularly close, this is as the vendor knows the address of  the customer, but remains speaking in a colloquial register to the customer, this can be considered as professional, but it would be gathered from the text that they are only famililar with eachother and have no solid relationship. In contrast, Text F shows signs of a stronger relationship, with the use of an intimate register, non standard english and an uneven dialogue, as person B sends more messages than person A