Friday 28 February 2014

After taking a considerable amount of time going through my Language and Power piece and then looking through an example of the same piece from an A grade candidate, I compared our work to see how I could improve in attempt to achieve the same high grade.

I compared it by using a certain criteria, these were the use of Power terms, Context (with the use of Audience, Purpose, Form) and Terminology/Quotes. I recognise that a regular and in depth use of these concepts will make my piece more sophisticated and therefore will push me onto achieving a higher grade. I highlighted these three concepts in different colours on both pieces.

After doing this, I could see just by looking at both pieces that the A grade answer had far more highlighted overall than what mine did. My answer especially lacked Power terms and Context. I have therefore given myself the target of learning more of these, my task will be practice of the power terms and then including these in PEE sentences with insightful context.

1 comment:

  1. I look forward to reading your evaluation of how you got on. Where is your grouping of two texts?
