Monday 30 September 2013

Analysis of Monologue

"But Romeo may not. He is banishèd.
Flies may do this, but I from this must fly.
They are free men, but I am banishèd.
And sayst thou yet that exile is not death?
Hadst thou no poison mixed, no sharp-ground knife,"

In extract of the play Romeo and Juliet, Romeo has just been banished from Verona, meaning he will never be able be able to see the love of his life, Juliet again. 

This extract shows an example of frozen register, this is shown with the use of the word 'tis', however in today's world we would say this is or it's. The use of this makes the reader aware of the time period that this play was set in.  The use of this archaic lexis also enables the audience to get an understanding of the the type of language that was used in the Shakespearean times and to explore other types of frozen register used in his work to further their vocabulary. Other examples of frozen register used in this are 'say'st', 'thou' and 'had'st'.

In this small extract, we also see a use discourse technique of the third person although Romeo is talking about himself and his experience. For example, instead of him saying 'I may not, I am banished' he instead says ' But Romeo may not. He is banished'. This is peculiar as it, custom that when you talk about yourself that you speak in first person. The use of the third person also creates the idea that he is furthering himself from the statement made, although there are no inverted speech marks to suggest this. Another way of looking at his is simply the fact that the use of third person when speaking about oneself is often used in Shakespeare's work. The use of the third person also allows the reader to get an idea of how Romeo is feeling about being banished, the use of this may also help the reader feel empathy towards Romeo.

Repetitive language is also used in this text, this is shown with the use of the word 'banished' occurring more than once. The use of the repetition of this word really expresses his disbelief in the fact that he has been banished from Verona and this also illustrates to the audience the misjustice he feels he's received from this punishment. This again enables to the reader to feel sorry for the character.

Sunday 29 September 2013

Homework Task - Blog Analysis

I chose this blog, firstly because Fifa 14 came out this week and I am a huge fan of the franchise.
As you can tell from the title, this blog is full of facts and statistics, these have been presented in the discourse form of bullet points and notes. Fifa is obviously about football, but for those who were not sure about this will know after reading things because of the numerous words that are in the lexical field of football, such as skill, finisher and passing. The blog is written in quite a formal register, this is shown in the use of low frequency lexis such as 'incarnation ' and 'endorsing'. This blog could also be seen as an advertisment to people who are not sure whether to buy the game or not. The use of this sophisticated language may come across to the reader that people who play this game are intellegent, which may turn out as a push factor of them purchasing the game.

Sunday 22 September 2013

Quote from Channel 4 comedy Phoneshop: 

"Too many man are chasing them Zara level chicks. Its crowded up there. swear down u gotta get academy on that shit. smart guys like me are scouting those lower league girls who are just about to step up to Zara level. Lower leagues is where its at trust me. I'm talking about Claire's Accessories, New Look, Barratts."

This quote plays alot with language. It is clearly written in a informal register, this is presented with the use of non standard English such as 'u' instead of you and 'gotta' instead of got to. Slang is also used in the form of the word 'chick' to display a female.What I also find interesting from this quote is the use of female shops to express their rankings, with Zara being the top of the tree and Claire's Accessories, New Look and Barratts being lower grades, I guess this can been seen as a use of sociolect as the different standards of clothing shops could be especially distinctive to women. This quote includes imperative language, the line "Lower leagues is where its at trust me". The use of the words trust me gives what is being said a sense of importance and therefore grips the viewer/reader to believe what is being said.

Monday 16 September 2013

Blackadder - C is for Contrafibularity

In this clip, the writer uses language as a form of comedy. This is because when we see the clip we make pre judgements on the way we believe all the characters are going to speak. We think this as the clip comes across as old fashioned, this same idea is shown again with the clothing of the characters, we wouldn't see that in today's world. Due to this we expect to hear a high amount of frozen register and low frequency lexis, we hear this from two of the characters but however from one of them we hear language of todays world, this is a surprise to the viewer and may come across as comical.

With the character speaking in a more informal register to the other two characters, it gives us the idea of the 'old clashing with the new'. The surprise of the way a so called 'prince' is speaking also comes across as funny, as does the reactions of the two others around.  

Sunday 15 September 2013

Homework Task

Original text written in a Colloquial Register :

The very first iPhone introduced the world to the idea of touch as the most natural way to interact with a smartphone. Touch to hear a song. Touch to browse the web. Touch to take a picture. All of it began with something perfectly simple: your finger. And now we’ve taken touch to the next logical place with Touch ID, the fingerprint identity sensor. Your fingerprint is the perfect password. You always have it with you. And no one can ever guess what it is. But beyond that, it just made sense to us that your phone should recognise you. It should learn you, not require you to memorise and enter passwords in order to use it. We also knew the right place to locate the sensor was where you naturally touch your iPhone — on the Home button. But how could we fit all the technology that sensors require in such a small space?   

Same text written in an Intimate Register :

Do you remember that first iPhone we had? It was all so different us. To listen to your Beyonce album,to order that pair of shoes you always wanted, to take a picture on your nights out,all with just a touch. But I know you want even more, so now you can have Touch ID. One thing that makes you so special is your fingerprint,and you'll always have it with you. It's for you and no-one else. But I still demand more for you. Your phone should recognise that face, and learn your likes and dislikes. You don't deserve the trouble of memorising your password to use your phone. We thought we'd locate the sensor where it's easy for you,where you've always known it,the Home button. Is that enough for you honey?

Sunday 8 September 2013

The Story of Dwayne Jones : Volume 3

Same old guy, with a brand new story to keep you hooked..

Just when he thinks its all over with 18 GCSE exams now behind him, Dwayne now has the daunting task of leaving his beloved St  Bedes behind and moving on to St Brendans. Thus he has to face the four incredibly challenging AS subjects of English,Geography,Law and Psychology, he also has to adapt to a whole new environment with people he's never met before. After feeling he had just scraped his GCSE's even though his impressive results would suggest otherwise,would Dwayne have enough in his locker to achieve the high grades his family,friends and teachers expect of him?

New friends,strange surroundings and a massive workload.. college has always been the place where the men are separated from the boys. Well everyone knows its a huge step up from the school life anyway.

In a world where getting the top grades is seen as the only way of getting anywhere in life, getting yourself ready for the working world is essential and being the most popular person in town with the most friends is a must, it is not a surprise this film will grab the attention of many nationwide.

Based on the book,this film is fresh off the real life of Dwayne Jones. Up to this point in the series, he has mastered primary and secondary school, the struggle of managing both his social and academic life and recognising what he wants to do with his life. He's now ready for a new challenge and is confident that St Brendans is the right place to take him to the next level.

The same cast returns for a third time with the elder sister of Dwayne who's exceptional academic record he has to attempt to keep up with, along with his parents who makes sure their children are in the best position to achieve. 

People compare this franchise to the famous Harry Potter by JK Rowling, I believe this branding of the film flatters them abit. I do not believe this film is anywhere near top Harry Potter films, however I do believe this film is very successful due to how many people can relate to the situation Dwayne is in. 
This film is certainly not appropriate for young people as they would have no interest in the issues and relationships of young adults. However, for almost any other age group(possibly not the elderly) this is a film anyone could get 135 minutes worth of enjoyment. As you know from the second film, Dwayne is a party person, which is why this film has been given a 15 certificate due to their being scenes that may not be appropriate for anyone under that age. 

The film has a captivating storyline throughout and results in him getting what he's always wanted, to do well and make his family proud. He gets that top grade in English that he's worked incredibly hard for throughout the year.

On the whole, this film successfully portrays the struggles,pains and joys of being an adolescent about to enter the big wide world alone.

Rating:  3 out of 5 


Monday 2 September 2013

My Chosen text

I chose to use a page of the Daily Mirror of a story about the England Cricket teams celebrations to winning the ashes by drinking and urinating on the pitch. I chose this extract firstly because I am interested in sport,also because I believe its a very unusual story where many people will have a point of view.

This text is headlined 'Boozy England stars urinate on Oval pitch,angry officials and fans blast celebrations'. This headline gives us an idea that the people of England are disgusted by the behaviour they have heard about, it makes us feel the same also. They have done this to show that we should be disappointed on their behaviour; they want us to look down on them. In the text,it has the thoughts and views of well respected people high up in the sports hierarchy, it shows their disgust towards the incident, this makes the people reading it feel the same way as they may feel they must agree with the people above them whole clearly know their stuff!

However an alternative view is shown in the extract,it is one that accepts the incident and believes that it is a good thing that the players were able to relax,have fun and let off some steam. After all,everyone deserves a break once in a while dont they?

At the end of the day,it is up to what kind of person you are which decides what side of the argument you agree with,some may be completely against the behaviour shown,some may be completely for it, and then some people will not be in to sport and therefore wont care!