Friday 20 June 2014


The Apprentice Transcript

Sir Alan: You won by default (.) you lost money and you won by default
Phillip: Yeah I can’t do anything right
Sir Alan: Listen (.) don’t get impatient with me Ph- Phillip
Phillip: I’m not (.) I’m not Sir Alan it’s just that it seems I can’t do anything right (.) you criticize me I get in the nick (.) I win as project manager I get in the nick (.) I cannot do anything right
Sir Alan: That’s all you’ve seemed to do today Phillip is criticize Lorraine (.) if you could come out with something else constructive um (1) I might listen to you (.) that’s all you’ve done from the minute you’ve walked in this door today
Phillip: Because she’s troublesome Alan (1) she’s trouble (.) week after week after week you’ll get this again and again and again
Lorraine: Trouble
Phillip: My perfom- I think I’ve been one of the outstanding candidates over these past few weeks (.) I’ve had
Sir Alan: Well listen (.) look look look (2) you know the body rocker thing (.) I don’t know if the bleedin thing has gone into your head or what okay you done well there yeah
Phillip: Yep
Sir Alan: Yeah and the design of it okay (.) but that’s it you know (.) one swallow don’t make a summer (.) you understand cause since then you haven’t done that great from my understand-
Phillip: Well I sold three items last week Sir Alan
Man: Tell us about pants man (4)
Sir Alan: Kate
Kate: Yep
Sir Alan: What I cannot understand and cannot get my head around is how you’ve gone to hero to zero (.) you didn’t sell one thing this week

Jose Mourinho Press Conference Transcript

R – Reporter
JM – Jose Mourinho
R: Arsene’s also said that the comments said that comments coming from managers saying that they are not in the title race (.) do you have a fear of/
JM: /You know he is a specialist in failure (.) uh (1) I’m not (2) I’m not (.) so if I am is supposedly he is right and I am afraid of fail it is because I don’t fail many times (.) so (5) maybe he’s right maybe I’m not used to fail (2) but uh the reality is that he is a specialist because eight years without the (2) a piece of silverware that’s failure (.) and if I do that in Chelsea eight years Iive long and I don’t come back
R: For the record do you fear anything in football
JM: No
R: (3) Do you think you’ve rattled Arsene Wenger’s a little bit with the things that you’ve said like the response we got from him this morning
JM: No (2) I just say if uh (.) Mr Abrahmovic gives me eight years to prepare a team (.) which I don’t want him to give me (.) I don’t want (.) I just want my (2) my contract of four years to do my work and after that to deserve (.) or not deserve my next contract (1) but uh (1) you need years you have to build so much so much so much and so much (2) but I don’t want (.) I don’t want eight years I just want uh (.) four (.) and I just want the next one to say say that um (2) I feel we are committed


The primary audience of the Apprentice conversation are those being addressed to in the boardroom, as well as the secondary audience which is the television viewers who tune in to watch the programme. However in my second transcript, which takes place in a press conference is the large amount of reporters and journalists who have arrived in order to watch and listen Jose Mourinho are the primary audience with the secondary audience being football fans reading, watching or listening in through the media.

Despite being two transcripts of a completely different genre, there are a considerable amount of links and similarities that can be seen in the pieces. One of these being the purpose of both texts, which is in some cases to demoralise an opponent. The reason for them doing so may be completely different (Phillip uses this on Lorraine so she is eliminated from the competition, not him and Jose Mourinho does this to aggravate Arsene Wenger, ultimately in attempt to win the Premier League) but they both use the direct form of name calling to put down their opponent, Phillip calls Lorraine “troublesome” and Mourinho calls Wenger a “specialist in failure. These are both attempts to give them the upper hand on their opposition. 

Aspects of power are also shown in both pieces, in the Apprentice conversation there are signs of competitive overlap between Sir Alan and Phillip. This is interesting as Sir Alan is obviously thought of as the more powerful participant (he is the businessman who will be giving Phillip the job if he decides that he is appropriate for the job), however Phillip is challenging this, it could be argued that he does this to show that he can match Sir Alan’s leadership qualities in the hope for Sir Alan to recognise this and therefore appoint him. On the other hand, perhaps Sir Alan found this too full on, and confirmation that he should be fired. Although this takes place, this piece still shows Sir Alan as the more powerful participant, this is because he uses imperatives, for example “don’t get inpatient with me Ph-Phillip”. Most of the time Phillip addresses Sir Alan before he speaks, this also shows Sir Alan’s authority in the conversation, he all but once makes sure he says “Sir” also.  Power asymmetry is shown in the Mourinho press conference, this is shown as Mourinho uses far more utterances than the reporters, this is as he and the press know that this press conference is all about him. He is also notorious for his clever and witty comments, so the reporters say as little as they can in order to increase the likelihood of Mourinho making a memorable comment.

1 comment:

  1. some very good pragmatic and contextual comments and you introduce some terminology - do closer analysis of key quotes in the light of that context and refer more closely to theory.
