A question all my participants were asked during my
questionnaire was what features of an accent appealed to them and why, many of
these answers included specifications that could be seen to fit the criteria of
the Geordie accent. This is supported by another piece of research by ComRes
(2013), however in this one it was concluded that Geordie is the second most
friendly accent in the United Kingdom (the Devonshire accent was first but
however is not included in my data.) These answers my participants gave on what
makes an accent desirable included that if it ‘sounds different’, ‘sounded
fun’, ‘welcoming’ and ‘gentle’ they were more attracted to someone’s accent. It
could also be speculated that part of the reason for the Geordie accent being
so favourable is due to the external exposure my participants have to the
accent through the incredibly popular television series Geordie Shore. If I was
to eliminate the Geordie accent from the data, it would leave Heightened
Received Pronunciation and BBC English as the top two accents in this category
which would therefore match my hypothesis.
There is some good evaluation here and linking to research. I am unclear how you are judging what the "criteria of the Geordie accent" are. There isn't any linguistic analysis here e.g. comparison of the adjectives used by individuals for Geordie vs other accents and whether there is a discernable pattern.